Month: January 2015

Basics of carpet cleaning

Keeping your carpets clean is considered to be a huge chore, mostly because of the amount of effort that goes into cleaning a dirty carpet. Most people resort to employing the services of a professional carpet cleaning company on a  regular basis. However, following these basic tips of carpet cleaning on a regular basis will help you save expensive carpet cleaning costs-

  1. Vacuuming: This is a simple yet effective way to keep dirt and grime off your carpets. Carpets see a lot of foot traffic, and can deposit loose dirt on it regularly. Vacuuming it on a regular basis will keep the carpet clean and will avoid dirt stains from forming. Make sure to use the right vacuum attachment when cleaning carpets to prevent any unnecessary cleaning accidents. Do not rush trough the vacuuming process, take your time and let the vacuum grab a good amount of
  2. Clean fresh stains right away: Cleaning fresh stains, such as a coffee/ juice spills before it dries is a good strategy, as it prevent from long term staining and is easier to remove. Use a clean cloth and a mild detergent on the stain and gently scrub the area of spillage to remove the stain. You can also add a little baking soda if the stain is tough to help remove it effectively. Once the area is dry, you can vacuum it up to make it look good as new.
  3. Remove odours from time to time: Although cleaning the stains of the carpets will keep it clean, you are also advised to clean the carpets for odours. You can buy an odour removal solution form the hardware store and spray it on, or you can make one yourself with the right mixture of borax, baking soda and corn meal. You could also use a mixture of vinegar and water to get rid of the smells. This will help keep your carpets from giving out a stale odour and keep it smelling fresh for long.

Following these three tips will help keep your carpet cleaning bill to a minimum, and will also increase the life of the carpet, not to mention the safety it ensures especially in households with pets and kids.

How to keep your bathroom sparking clean for longer


Bathrooms known to harbour foul odours and tough-to-rid-of stain, which makes cleaning bathrooms a pain. So how do you go about making your bathroom a cleaner place?

Try cleaning it in scheduled intervals

Sounds simple enough, but it is one of the most overlooked practices. Most people do not clean their bathrooms often enough, which leads to rapid germ build up. Bathrooms see maximum germ build up in the house, for obvious reasons. The damp/ humid corners of the bathrooms serve as an optimal breeding ground for germs, which is one of the main reasons for soul smells and dirty walls. Cleaning the bathroom in scheduled intervals with the right equipment will help keep your bathrooms clean and tidy. It will help get rid of the germs, and at the same time give your bathroom a cleaner look.

Use the right cleaning products     

It is important to use the right kind of cleaning products on your bathrooms tiles and walls to keep them looking fresh and tidy. A floor cleaner cannot be substituted for tile cleaner and vice- versa. You should also follow the instructions as directed by the cleaning product manufacturer. Using the equipments/ products right will help deliver satisfactory results, as claimed by the manufacturer. Also using the proper scrubbing techniques will help you get rid of the grime easily.

Paragon Trading is one of the largest suppliers of quality bathroom cleaning chemicals for both industrial and commercial requirements.

You can contact us at