Category: Must have office cleaning supplies

Must have office cleaning supplies

Office cleaning equipment are designed specifically for everyday use in an office environment. They are strong enough to sterilise germs effectively, while being safe enough for everyday use. These cleaning suppliers and cleaning equipment will be able to make your floor presentable and clean, thereby maintaining a professional environment.

Apart from general cleaning such as sweeping and mopping, regular waxing is also required to maintain the cleanliness of an office floor. Choosing the right floor cleaning chemicals, waxers and buffers is of utmost importance. Different floor types react differently to different chemicals, and picking the right chemicals will make cleaning easier and effective as well.

Window cleaning is another important cleaning requirement in an office environment. Window cleaners are mild detergents, reinforced with additional cleaning elements, which will clean out dust and dirt debris on the window pane.

Furniture cleaners are even milder soaps that do not harm the polish and wood finish of the furniture. These days, furniture is made out of plastic and other synthetic materials, and appropriate cleaning maters are to be used to ensure that the paint and plastic do not chip off the surface.

Paragon Trading is one of the leading suppliers of high quality office cleaning supplies in Bahrain. For more information about our services and products, do visit our website at